Incarnational... Policework?

Savannah is a messy place. Crime is real, and violent. Whenever violence is a possibility (whether whether in our cities, our families and relationships, or even within our own emotional experience of the world around us), the temptation is to armor up and meet violence with violence, or disengage. To flee the pain of life in a fallen world. 

The way of Jesus is different. When God himself was faced with death, he resisted the temptation to call down a legion of angels on his own behalf. Instead, he stayed present in a place. On a point. The point of a nail, to be precise.

One Savannah police officer is gaining national recognition for modeling (whether intentionally or not) what it looks like to bring the humility and grace of Jesus into his 9-5 workday. Read the whole article here (note: Adult Content), and ask yourself: how can I follow Jesus like this, in my own career?