Announcements (12.21.20)

Christmas Eve Candlelight Lessons and Carols

  1. 5 pm at the Church

  2. Bring friends and family, start a new tradition. We will sing classic hymns and readings from Scripture, and a short homily (no communion or other elements), so its very new person friendsly

Girls Small Group- Meets Tuesday, January 12th at the home of Alli Stroud (236 E. 60th, Apt 3) from 630-8. Bring any girls 4th grade and up. Contact Alli at for more info.

Clothing Swap- We have postponed our clothing swap until the spring to give us time to get more donations in. Go through your closets and bring gently used clothes any Sunday to donate!

Our sermon series is also updated online. Check it out, and share it with friends!