Every Nation Under Heaven

Left: The black man George Floyd suffers and dies at the hands of white police offers.Right: Ravi Zecharias, of Indian origin, embraces Nabeel Qureshi, of Pakistani origin.

Left: The black man George Floyd suffers and dies at the hands of white police offers.

Right: Ravi Zecharias, of Indian origin, embraces Nabeel Qureshi, of Pakistani origin.

Two weeks in the news. Two images. Two racial and/or national relationships characterized by endless war, suffering, domination, oppression, subjugation. Two radically different outcomes. So we express our anger, our sadness, our frustration, our lament, our despair, our hopelessness. And then, like the apostles after Jesus’ ascent into heaven, we sit in a room wonder how we get from here to here… On Pentecost Jesus starts to give the answer. The difference between these two pictures: two different kings. Join CTK-Savannah this Sunday (5.31.20) as we begin a series on how Jesus calls his people from every tribe, tongue, and nation; and, having called them, teaches them to love one another.

RSVP for worship here (RSVP required to attend). If you aren’t comfortable attending, the service will be put online later on Sunday.

Have a question about the intersection of race, nationality, and Christianity that you would like to have specifically addressed? We want this series to answer it! Help CTK make this series as helpful as possible for you. All questions are confidential and will be received anonymously and without judgement.