Wine and Prophets, Beer and Brotherhood

Summer Announcements

  1. Fellowship: Over the summer, we are going to provide a couple fellowship groups, designed so that you can drop in and out anytime you are in town.

    1. Women: Join us for wine and a study of the minor prophets, Wednesday at 715 at Elizabeth Rick's house (98 Coffee Pointe Drive). Text her for the gate code (843-540-2653) when you get there

    2. Men: Beer and brotherhood. Bring your own beverage and lawn chair, and meet in Harrison Key's driveway on Thursday. A local music phenomenon will be playing from 7-8 in the garage. If bleeding ears is your cup of tea, join then; otherwise, come hang out from 8-10.

  2. Worship: I'll send out an email later this week when we have a worship location nailed down for Sunday. We will meet at 10 am.