Parish Groups- Join us for prayer and a meal! Go to the one closest to you. If that doesn't work with your schedule, take your pick!
Meeting this week
Ardsley Park- Wednesday night at 730 at the Jefferson's, 203 E. 56th
Meeting next week
Parkside- Tuesday night at 730 at the Kornegay's (1506 E. 51st).
Islands- Wednesday night at 630 at the Bass's (156 Penrose Drive, 31410)
Guys Night- 830 on Thursday. Give this article a read... we might discuss.
Neighborhood Swap- One of the ministry events we are going to host is a neighborhood book and clothes swap. Save up used clothing and books to donate! If you would like to volunteer, contact Madi Crawley at (704) 400-4093. The event will be in late September.
A new blog post about the value and benefits of the small church is up. In a polarized world, walking to a neighborhood church can be a testimony! Share it with friends. Our sermon series is also updated online.