Announcements (1.26.21)

Bring Your Creeds- Write or type a short statement beginning with "I believe..." (as we demonstrated last week: "I believe I am the hero/villain") and tape it to wall behind the music team on Sunday. These are beliefs that we all hold, but which we need to submit to the Apostles Creed. Click here to submit it anonymously (just leave the name blank) and I will print it out for you!

  1. State of the Church- Attached is the handout from our State of the Church meeting this past Sunday if you missed it. Included are some of our plans for the next few months, our goals, and a financial update.

  2. Important Dates-

    1. Thursday, Feb. 5th at 830- Guys night.

      1. We will have a fire pit, drink a little bourbon, hang out and begin a once a month discussion on leading as Christians and as men. So often discussions of Christian leadership devolve into "Who is in charge?" In reaction to that authoritarianism, we often adopt a passivity designed not to offend. But what if Jesus offers us a better model for leadership, and for being men?

    2. February 17th- Ash Wednesday Hymn Sing

      1. If the Psalms are the hymnbook of the ancient church, then one thing quickly becomes clear: we must learn how to lament both our own sin and the brokenness of the world.

      2. Join us for a drop-in pancake dinner from 530-630, and hymn sing from 6-7. Childcare provided.

    3. Sunday, February 21st- New Members Class.

      1. Meets at 9 am, through March 28th.

      2. This is a great chance to find out more about why CTK does the things it does, and where we see ourselves going. No commitment required at the end, but if you would like to take the next step, you are welcome to!

      3. Childcare provided

    4. The Week of Sunday, March 14th- St. Patrick's Day Festivities

      1. St. Patrick escaped slavery in Ireland, only to return and take responsibility for converting his old masters. How did he accomplish this mission? By being holy himself, founding intentional communities of Christians amidst the pagans, and gaining a reputation for justice, mercy, and the best beer on the island!

      2. Mission service and guest speaker discussing "Living as Missionaries At Home" on Sunday March 14th.

      3. Men's gathering- night of March 16th, at Lafayette Square.

      4. Family Party/Brunch- morning of March 17th, location TBD.

  3. Parish Groups

    1. Meeting THIS week

      1. Islands- 156 Penrose Dr., 31410 (The Bass's) at 630 pm Wednesday

      2. Midtown- 203 E. 56th (The Jefferson's) at 7 pm Wednesday.

    2. Meeting NEXT week

      1. Girls Small Group- Meets Tuesday, January 26th at the Tequila's Town in Sandfly from 630-8. Bring any girls 4th grade and up. Contact Alli at for more info.

  4. Clothing Swap- We have postponed our clothing swap until the spring to give us time to get more donations in. Go through your closets and bring gently used clothes any Sunday to donate!

  5. Our sermon series is also updated online. Check it out, and share it with friends! Furthermore, if you are unable to participate in worship, we have videotaped this past week. You can access this weeks service that here.