Easter 2021

"If you lose Christmas, you lose the first two chapters of Luke.
If you lose Easter, you lose Christianity."
-NT Wright

Easter is the most important day on the Christian calendar. Its the day when Jesus rose from the dead, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and gave hope to a dying world. Maybe, just maybe, if we are joined to Him, there might be hope for us too. Though many of us struggle to feel or express joy throughout the year under the weight of cynicism, sadness, or unmet expectation, on Easter we celebrate our lives and the world not as they are, but as they will be. We celebrate, not to forget our hardships, but because of them- because if Christ defeated death, what suffering can he not defeat?

Here are the practical logistics for how we will practice joy at CTK this Easter.

1. Because we expect many guests, and are planning a small parade (more on that in a second), please arrive early (930ish) and park atHull Park. Please park here in consideration of our guests and to help with the parade, even if you aren't staying for lunch!

2. Our parade will begin immediately following the service, and will be led by a small jazz band. There will be instruments for the kids, and something special for the adults for the road. Music and marching teach us joy, so feel free to take a risk and try something new.

3. Our lunch will be held at Hull Park for $5 per person. Your "best guess" RSVP is required by Wednesday at midnight. The food will be ordered Thursday morning, so don't delay!

4. An Easter egg hunt will be held for any kids at the park at that time at 1230. Please bring 10-12 pre-filled Easter eggs to contribute, and give them to a member of the Key family once you arrive at the park.

5. Bring chairs and blankets for a picnic!