Prayers of the People (9.1.24)

O merciful God,
Fill our hearts with the graces of your Holy Spirit,
With love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

(Prayers for the Holy Spirit to shape you into a person who bears good fruit) 

We ask your kindness for all, but especially for the friends whom your love has given to us. 

Love them, O fountain of love, 

and move them to love you with all their hearts.

(Prayers for a friend or loved one)

Teach us also to love those who hate us.
You make your sun to shine 

on the evil and the good,
and send rain on the just and on the unjust. 

(Prayers for one you struggle to love or forgive)

In adversity, grant us grace to be patient.
In prosperity, keep us humble.
Help us guard the door of our lips,
to give little regard for the pleasures of this world.
(Prayers for an eternal perspective regardless of your current circumstances)

God of love, whose compassion never fails;
we bring you the griefs of peoples and nations;
the necessities of the homeless;
the helplessness of the aged and weak;
the pains of the sick and injured;
the sorrow of the bereaved.

Comfort and relieve them, O merciful Father.

(Prayers for those who suffer in your neighborhood, nation, and world)

We ask all these things with confidence in your power and your goodness, 

in the name of the Father, the Son, 

and the Holy Spirit. Amen.